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Billions of dollars in unpaid child support owed state wide

On Behalf of | Oct 4, 2012 | Child Support

It has been reported by the Houston Chronicle that unpaid child support is nearing $11 billion. Though there may be a wide variety of reasons for why this figure is so high, such a statistic does not bode well for the number of parents that are concerned about the welfare of their children.

Though bad economic times and jobless rates are obviously affecting the amounts of child support being paid, there have been parents that have simply defied court orders concerning their child support obligations.

Failure to pay child support places the entire burden of taking care of all of a child’s needs on the custodial parent, and few parents have the resources to alone care for the child in the manner that such children deserve. It is unfair for both to the parent taking care of the child and for the child as well.

Family law attorneys can assist custodial parents by going to court and making the other parent comply with their child support obligations. Attorneys can prepare divorce decrees, motions to hold parents in contempt for not paying child support, prepare papers modifying child support orders to meet the needs of both parents, and arrange for visitation scheduling so that both parents can participate in the child’s upbringing.

Child support is in place to help children receive the education and financial support that they need. Though children will inevitably be caught up in the consequences of a divorce, the goal is to minimize such consequences as much as possible and not put the child in a position where they will have to go without. If both parents remain cooperative with each other and place the needs of the child first, all parties will be better off in the long run.

Source: Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, “Report: Unpaid child support in Texas nearly $11B,” Oct. 2, 2012