Deciding on child custody in Texas can be complicated, even in the best situations. When the situation involves grandparents and other nonparents, the difficulty often increases. However, there are times when a judge will decide that it is in the best interests of the child if custody is granted to a grandparent or nonparent. Working with an attorney who has experience handling these types of cases is crucial.
At Laura Dale & Associates, our attorneys have over 20 years of combined experience representing Houston residents in custody matters, and several are certified in family law through the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. We can help you explore options to protect the well-being of the children you care about. Call us at 713-574-7952 to set up a consultation.
Protecting The Child
Texas family courts make custody decisions based on what is best for the child, and in most cases this means staying with one or both of the parents. It is usually not enough to simply say you want visitation rights to see your grandkids, nieces or nephews if they are otherwise happy, healthy and well cared for by their parents or legal guardian.
However, custody may be granted to another party if there are suspicions of abuse or neglect that impairs a child’s life and well-being. This includes:
- Physical abuse or harm
- Sexual abuse or molestation
- Emotional or mental abuse
- Exposure to controlled substances
Our lawyers use their knowledge and skills to find evidence of abuse or neglect of the child, and then we present this information to the judge in support of your claim.
Compassionate And Caring
Family law matters can be highly complex, and it is important to find not only skilled attorneys, but ones who are also compassionate and caring. Please call us at 713-574-7952 for a free initial consultation. You can also reach us through our online form.