If you have an irregular income and need to pay child support, it can be tough to figure out exactly how much you should pay. Usually, courts look at your overall income as well as weekly or monthly incomes to calculate your monthly child support payment. However, for...
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Child Support
Can you withhold visitation from an ex who is not paying child support?
On Behalf of Laura Dale & Associates, P.C. | Oct 11, 2022 | Child Support
When a relationship ends in a divorce or separation, two of the most important issues the court will take an interest in are the child’s living arrangement as well as child support. Once these issues are litigated and judgments pronounced, both parties are required to...
Indefinite child support in Texas
On Behalf of Laura Dale & Associates, P.C. | Sep 23, 2022 | Child Support
Raising children is a difficult task. It isn’t time-dependent, and it certainly doesn’t stop at 18 years of age. Most child support orders remain in place until the child turns 18 years old or graduates high school, whichever comes later. For parents of children with...
Can you count on child support to pay your teen’s college costs?
On Behalf of Laura Dale & Associates, P.C. | Aug 23, 2022 | Child Support
It can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to bring a child into this world and raise them to adulthood. Simply giving birth can cost tens of thousands of dollars. Parents will have to pay for a child's medical costs until they turn 18, along with their expenses for...
What types of jobs can complicate child support calculations?
On Behalf of Laura Dale & Associates, P.C. | Apr 20, 2022 | Child Support
Last summer, we discussed how Texas' child support laws calculate how much a noncustodial parent should pay. We also talked about how people whose jobs don't involve a regular paycheck of the same amount every other week can have a more challenging time figuring out...
Can you use bankruptcy to eliminate past-due child support?
On Behalf of Laura Dale & Associates, P.C. | Apr 20, 2021 | Child Support
One estimate is that parents pay at least $33 billion in child support annually in the U.S. The truth is that less than half of custodial parents ever receive the full payment that the court initially ordered. If you're behind on your child support and are worried...
Will Texas seize your stimulus checks for unpaid child support?
On Behalf of Laura Dale & Associates, P.C. | Mar 22, 2021 | Child Support
/child-support/When you don't have a lot of savings, finding out you're going to get a stimulus check can do great things for your budget. You might be able to pay off a credit card balance or finally make the repairs that you need on your car. However, you are a...
Can I ask the court to increase support payments for my child?
On Behalf of Laura Dale & Associates, P.C. | May 29, 2019 | Child Support
Raising a child is seldom cheap. Even if a child has perfect teeth and never gets sick, you will have the normal expenses such as buying clothes and shoes as your child grows. If your child develops an interest in sports, music or other forms of expression, you can...
I can’t afford my child support payments. What should I do?
On Behalf of Laura Dale & Associates, P.C. | Apr 3, 2019 | Child Support
As a divorced parent, being away from your children can be difficult, even when it's just for a few days. You may make every effort to be involved in their lives, including taking advantage of your custody arrangements and making court-ordered support payments. But...
Dealing with common fears about post-divorce finances
On Behalf of Laura Dale & Associates, P.C. | Sep 7, 2018 | Alimony, Child Support, Divorce
The hardships of divorce come with the hope that the future will be better. If you look forward to a better life after your divorce, you may be concerned about how to avoid financial struggles that are common after a marriage breaks up. Like many married people, you...
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