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Unpaid child support leads to arrests and imprisonment in Texas

On Behalf of | Apr 18, 2013 | Child Support

Divorce accompanies the settlement of custodial and support obligations for the children. The court orders the separated spouses to honor certain responsibilities for the sake of their children. The responsibility of providing a child support payment regularly is important for many reasons, including avoiding contempt of court. However, the most important reason is that not paying child support hurts the child.

Residents of Houston, Texas, may be interested in learning about the arrests that were made in Odessa, Texas, of people who did not pay on time. Police, in conjunction with the Texas Attorney General’s Child Support Division, arrested six people for unpaid child support.

So far, the office has collected over $3.4 billion in child support for the state fiscal year. The Attorney General’s Office can assist in matters that cover paternity and child support collection. In this case, for example, the non-paying parents are facing jail time if they cannot pay the bond.

Failure to pay child support is bad in two ways. The children may feel abandoned and the custodial parent may face financial challenges by trying to cover the costs of raising children without financial support.

If a supporting parent cannot meet his or her child support responsibilities, legal consequences may follow. Other sanctions may also be imposed if a parent fails to pay the child support.

If the supporting parent is having financial difficulties paying child support, he or she should contact the Child Support Division office A request can be made for modification; however, the proper documentation is required for the request to be considered valid.

Source: Permian Basin 360, “Six Arrested During Child Support Sweep in Ector County,” April 10, 2013