You may have never thought you would be in this position. You and your spouse decided to go your separate ways. Now, amid all the other issues you must resolve, you try to negotiate an agreement regarding the custody of your children. However, it becomes clear that you will need to go to court in order to resolve this crucial issue.
Regardless of the reason why you need the assistance of the court on this personal issue, you face the same stress and fear as other Houston parents who have gone through it. One way to help combat that stress is to make sure you feel adequately prepared when you walk into the courtroom.
Taking these steps could help relieve your stress
Now that you have the date of your hearing, your stress may be at an all-time high. You know that for at least the immediate future, the decisions made inside the courtroom will affect your children’s lives. Taking the steps below could help you feel prepared for your hearing, which could help alleviate the anxiety you feel:
- It may seem trivial, but choose your outfit carefully. Judges are human, and your first impression matters. Make sure your attire reflects that you take the proceedings seriously.
- Take the time to understand what Texas law says about child custody. This will help you know what parameters the judge is working with when making his or her decision.
- Make sure you understand what the court will look for when attempting to determine which parent will best serve the interests of your children.
- Make sure you bring all documentation relevant to your position. You want to make sure you can provide the judge with the information and evidence needed to support your argument.
- Maintaining your composure is crucial in the courtroom since the judge will want to know that you are willing to work with the other parent and can control your emotions. You will always be bound to your ex-spouse through your children, and the court wants to know that you can handle this relationship despite your personal feelings about the other parent.
Knowing what to expect and what types of questions the judge may ask you will help you put your best foot forward when you attend your hearing.