The National Football League is very important to every football enthusiast across the United States, including Texas. The opinions of the NFL players on current issues that affect society may draw the attention of every Houston resident. This is particularly true if the topic is family violence.
In general, and in Texas, family violence may include spousal abuse or any physical harm caused by a household member. Domestic problems such as abuse or violence also can occur in marriage, a domestic partnership or an intimate relationship. Unfortunately, as stated by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 85 percent of the victims of domestic violence are women. This serious issue brought NFL football players together to express their points of view regarding violence against women.
Roger Staubach, an NFL Hall of Famer, together with other football players, joined the rally called Dallas Men Against Abuse. During the event, Staubach indicated that men should know not to hit a woman.
Authorities reported that the Dallas police respond to over 13,000 calls of domestic violence per year. The mayor of Dallas stated that one of every two women in the country experience abuse. Another NFL player addressed the audience about reaching out and helping individuals. Doing so may decrease the number of women victimized by domestic violence. Additionally, men’s participation in preventing and stopping domestic violence may make a difference.
The involvement of well-known athletes in rallies against domestic violence signifies how much of an impact domestic violence has on households. Individuals who believe they have been physically abused should understand their rights. They should also understand which legal actions they need to take to avoid ever experiencing domestic violence again.
For instance, the victim of abuse may want a restraining order issued against the abuser. A restraining order may prohibit abusers from communicating, making any contact or disturbing the victim in any way. Seeking legal help from those who understand the law when it comes to domestic violence is also advisable.
Source: My Fox Houston, “Former NFL players speak against domestic violence,” David Warren, March 23, 2013