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Domestic violence: victim tells her story, wants others to learn

On Behalf of | Jun 4, 2013 | Domestic Violence

People involved in abusive relationships are sometimes reluctant to leave because of fear or because they believe their partners will change. With available technology, domestic violence can occur through online stalking or in more traditional ways. For Houston, Texas, residents, domestic violence can threaten the person’s well-being. The effects of a complex family violence case can have long-lasting effects.

Houston residents can learn from a relevant case of domestic violence that occurred in El Paso. A woman, who was a victim of emotional and physical abuse, waited to meet her ex-boyfriend outside Wal-Mart so he could apologize to her. She decided to meet him in a public place. When her boyfriend came, he asked her to leave with him. She refused so he grabbed her, tried to push her into his car and threatened her with a gun. Luckily, a witness called police. Eventually, the woman was able to get a court order to keep her ex-boyfriend away.

However, a few weeks after the incident, she learned from friends and family that there were nude photos of her in sexual positions on her Facebook page and she immediately knew who was behind it. She contacted Facebook to have the photos removed from her page. She has filed charges against her ex-boyfriend and hopes that other people can learn from her experience.

This situation is one of many cases of domestic violence that happen across the U.S. According to the National Domestic Hotline, 15 percent of Americans have been in a violent domestic relationship. Statistics revealed that a woman is assaulted or beaten every nine seconds, making domestic violence a major cause of injuries to women across the country.

Although women are most often the victims of domestic abuse, it is important for Texas residents to remember that victims of domestic violence can be men or women. In order to avoid or stop domestic violence, victims should contact the authorities if it happens. A victim of domestic violence should also consider contacting a legal professional for advice and guidance. The legal professional can help the victim to obtain a restraining order for protection. The professional can analyze each individual’s unique case and help the individual proceed to what will best benefit them.

Source: Borderzine, “An abusive relationship can lead to physical and emotional violence,” Azucena Santos, May 24, 2013