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Help keep the parent-child bond strong with virtual visitation

On Behalf of | Jun 26, 2017 | Child Health, Visitation

In a perfect world, all good and caring parents would have access to their children. Unfortunately, this is not a perfect world, and quite a few parents in Texas have only limited visitation rights. Are you one of them?

Keeping the parent-child bond strong after a divorce or separation often proves to be a challenge for non-custodial parents. If appropriate, courts can arrange visitation to allow some physical time, but in some cases, the amount of time awarded leaves a lot to be desired. Thankfully, under the right circumstances, you may have the ability to add virtual visitation to your order, which may give you a little more access to your child.

Virtual visitation: The basics

Texas is one of just a few states that have passed virtual visitation laws. If awarded this type of visitation, it means that you will have the ability to contact your child using one or more forms of technology. In a digital world, this can be a good option, as just about everyone has some level of access to a phone or the internet.

Now, this does not mean you will have the ability to contact your child whenever you please. Courts often place limits on communication frequency. Also, this form of visitation does not replace physical time with your child; it is simply meant to supplement, allowing increased contact.

The many forms of virtual visitation

Virtual visitation comes in various forms. Parents and children may interact through:

  • Social media sites
  • Email
  • Video calling
  • Video mail
  • Instant messaging

A child’s age will be a determining factor when it comes to deciding which forms of technology are appropriate for virtual visitation.

Requesting virtual visitation

If you would like to add virtual visitation to a new or existing visitation order, you will need to file a request in court. You can privately negotiate the ground rules for this type of visitation with your co-parent or with the assistance of legal counsel. If necessary, a judge can also set the specifics of how and when a non-custodial parent will be able to virtually visit with his or her child.

Do you think virtual visitation would benefit your situation?

Keeping the parent-child bond alive and well is not easy when visitation is limited. If you think that virtual visitation could help your situation, you have the right to request it in court. Whether you are seeking this as part of an initial order or a modification request, an experienced family law attorney can help you take the steps necessary to fight for increased access to your child.